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CNN Computing has sold over 8,000 systems since being Incorporated in the year 2001.

CNN Computing is honored to sell various branded computers. CNN Computing sells IBM/Lenovos, Acers, Gateways, HP/Compaq and Dells.

CNN Computing has distribution accounts with Ingram Micro, Dell, D&H Distributing, Advantec Computer Systems, Acer and many others

CNN Computing is honored to have 2 power seller accounts with over 99.5% positive feedback and ratings that total over 1,800. [CNNcomputing, Supanatdog] since 1999

If there is a specialty computer you are in search of, or have specific needs please send over an email. We will do our best to meet your demands. The year 2012 has proved very difficult for the electronics/pc sector and we no longer stock as much inventory.